Schedule reduction optimization as a service
Using your data and flight schedule reduction settings, SlickOR experts will generate optimal flight cancellation and routing swap options
Generate a solution with least-impact to customers, revenue, crews, and other KPIs
Review the solution with our team and edit based on your experts' insights
Receive the final solution in your preferred format
Commit the solution to your system of record
Take a quick look
See how SlickOR's Cancels Optimizer can drawdown the flight schedule, with least-impact to aircraft, passengers, crew, costs, and other KPIs.
And how SlickOR's schedule reduction service will work.
Airlines Leverage Optimization Technology to Manage COVID-19 Flight Schedule Reductions
COVID-19 has severely impacted airlines worldwide, bringing unprecedented changes to travel. Until the virus outbreak, airlines had seen continuous and rapid passenger growth since 2010, says The Points Guy. And as news about the pandemic evolved rapidly - sometimes hour by hour - travel decisions continued to change and passenger demand slipped backward quickly...
One airline was already prepared
to the best of its ability...
What is the process for the Service?
Kick-off with an overview, discuss your needs, and explain how we can help
You provide your airline's flight schedule, passenger loads, and other KPI drivers
You provide your reduction parameters (hubs, reduction rate, start/end, preferences)
SlickOR creates the flight schedule reduction solution using Cancels Optimizer
Web-share meeting to walk you through the solution and you can make changes
SlickOR sends you the final solution in your preferred format
"United took multiple hits from major storms in 2017, including Hurricane Harvey. Yet United had fewer cancellations in 2017 than it has ever had..."
Greg Hart, COO
— McCartney, Scott . "The Best and Worst U.S. Airlines of 2017." The Wall Street Journal. 10 Jan 2018.
“Before [Cancels Optimizer], United probably canceled more flights than it needed to... The new tool identifies the
best flights to cancel that will disrupt the operation the least...”
T. Lee, VP Network Operations
— Karp, Gary. "5 reasons United might finally be improving its on-time rate." Chicago Tribune. 12 Nov 2015. Web.